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Education in Numbers

Statistical data in the field of education for the Republic of Croatia are published in several national and international sources. Some of them are listed below.


The Ministry of Science and Education publishes statistical data in the field of education through three applications:



Applications provide access to a specific set of statistical data from e-Matica on all schools in Croatia. ŠeR - Školski e-Rudnik displays the address book of schools, geographical distribution of institutions, statistical data on education programmes and the number of students. ŠeR - Školski e-Rudnik Vol. 2 displays statistics on general achievement, absenteeism, pedagogical measures, and demographic trends in schools.

ŠeR - Školski e-Rudnik Vol. 3 displays students’ results of the state matura exam, students’ grades in the final year in primary and secondary education and trends by school year.


Education in Numbers - Slika 1Education in Numbers - Slika 2Education in Numbers - Slika 3



The National Centre for External Evaluation of Education participates in the implementation of international research in the Republic of Croatia and prepares national reports based on the data collected. It prepares reports on the state graduation exams showing student outcomes. More information on international research and the data collected can be found on the website of the National Centre:


  • PISA – Programme for International Student Assessment
  • TIMSS – Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study
  • PIRLS – Progress in International Reading Literacy Study
  • ICCS – International Civic and Citizenship Education Study
  • ICILS – International Computer and Information Literacy Study
  • TALIS – Teaching and Learning International Survey


The Croatian Bureau of Statistics issues publications in the field of education, specifically information related to preschool education, primary schools and primary education, secondary schools and secondary education, vocational education in enterprises, adult education, higher education, students, enrolled postgraduate students, masters of science, masters and specialists, doctors of science, students’ dormitories, academic staff and other information. Publications are available on the website (Published data - Regular editions - Releases and statistical reports - By statistical fields - Education, science, culture and social care).


The Agency for Science and Higher Education publishes an overview of the study programmes that are approved for implementation in the Republic of Croatia in the application Mozvag, and the data can be searched according to the study programmes characteristics and higher education institutions. On the website it is possible to search for statistics regarding enrolment quotas, applications, number of first choices and number of exercised enrolment rights for study programmes.


Eurostat publishes articles and tables regarding statistics in the field of education. General information about the data being collected is available at the link. Certain data and information are also available for the Republic of Croatia in the databases.


Within the framework of the international project ETER (European Tertiary Education Register), a system for monitoring the number of institutions in the field of European higher education has been developed. Data can be searched according to the general categories, geographical indicators, cost types and funding methods, number of students and other data.